Red Wolf Project Video Journal Entry 1

First entry of the the Red Wolf Project's Visual Journal. This is part 1 of a story about a really special coyote called LA04F that was collared this past February by Dr. Joey Hinton for the Red Wolf Ancestry project down here on the coast, led by Dr. Kristin Brzeski. She was my favorite of the 25 collared.

There’s just so much of my personal experience that I’ve documented from my phone over the past several months during this project that it’s sort of become a tangential project. So while I work on processing all the media from the “real” cameras I’ll be able to share a lot of side stories and behind the scenes, as the story and the project continues.

For more info on the biologists behind the Rediscovering Red Wolf Ancestry in coastal Louisiana:

Dr. Kristin Brzeski, Principle Investigator

Dr. Joey Hinton, Wildlife Ecologist

Dr. Bridgett vonHoldt, Canine Ancestry Project


February 2021 - Field Work